Today in human geography class discussed the future! Great topic huh? May might be scared of the future and many excited. I am both. I'm nervous that maybe my dreams might not come true but, excited for what we have ahead and the difference we can make on the world. I mean think of the technology we have to come. I mentioned in class today that f anyone of us can think it, what is stopping us from doing it? We see crazy things in movies these day and it makes us think oh that could never happen. Well all it takes is a spark in the mind and what maybe 10 or 20 years later it might just be a thing. You'd also be amazed how fast we catch on with everything around us. It seems crazy to maybe have a chip in our head someday that acts as a phone, but we would get used to it, and would learn to love it. Loved this discussion!
Research . Describe your findings, such as their goals, methods, efficiency, and reputation. Research potential borrowers. Find at least two borrowers and describe their business, their reasons for wanting a microloan, their past history, etc. Look at the big picture. Check out the city and country they live in, and describe what effect their location has on their need to borrow. Write your findings in an essay and post it to your blog. This should be a well-written, informative, and possibly inspirational essay that shows how much you have learned about developing nations, poverty throughout the world, and ways of dealing with this difficult situation. is a site that is used by about a million people who lend money to those in need. When you go onto the cite, you will find different profiles on some one or a group of people and a biography of why they want the money you might be willing to lend to them. This cite seems to work very efficiently as y...
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