
Today in human geography class, we took our world leaders test. I think I did okay, but not great. I need to do good on this, or else my grade will go down and I won't make the A I was aiming for in this class. If not...well there is always next quarter. I think to get all A's in every class, I need to step up my studying and get everything right in my head. I'm tired of half studying and not knowing whether or not I will pass or do good on a test.
In class today, we almost finished discussing country world leaders. We learned many interesting and helpful facts. Something that I and my classmates picked up on was that most of the older brothers in line for the "throne" ended up dying in mysterious ways. You can't help but wondering is it really coincidental. We looked at rulers who are good, and not so good as well. A good example of someone who is mostly loved by their country is Justin Trudeau. An example of a not so good leader would be Vladimir Putin.
Today in class we turned in our world leaders project and looked all together to check if we all got the same people. I think this was a great use of class time. I feel like this is something I would use in my future and it was good information to just have. I myself enjoyed this lesson. I'm glad we not only went over who rules each country, but that we learned more about their life. I'm looking forward to learning more on this topic!
Today in human geography class, we discussed the different parts of a country. Throughout the class we realized what important features make up a country. For example, a nation is a group of people who share similar things like religion, language, and other cultural similarities. We also discussed how our culture has changed. An example would be fast food. During Mr. Schick's childhood, there was probably only just beginning a McDonald's. This McDonald's also wasn't even a drive-thru, but you walked in and then got your food in minutes. Today we have tons of fast food restaurants. Another cultural quality that has changed is sundays. For many Sundays were seen as a rest day. Therefore, many buuildings weren't open. Today we see this only rarely. Banks, and a Chick-fil-a. This is what we learned in class today.
Today in human geography class we went over expected questions that should be on the exam. We were also fortunate enough to receive what the essay question will be on the exam. We went over it and it has made me feel more prepared for this exam. I will definitely be studying that, it should be a few easy points. I'm glad we had this "review day" before exams, I think it really has helped me in order to successfully pass the test. At least I hope so....
Today in human geography class, we discussed what a day of exams would look like, in the hopes to prepare us for what will probably be a few of the worst days this year. Not to mention that I spent most of my weekend studying for the tests, and got only about two done. Everyone is making exams seem like a big deal (and they are) but they are only 20% of our grades, so if I do terribly bad, I probably won't be ruined. So even though I shouldn't be stressing too much, I am. This weekend was also the worst head ache I've had in a really long time so can you tell that I'm excited to review thee last subjects?!?!
Today in human geography class we had a sub teacher. She seemed really strict and did not talk much. Our assignment was to study for our exams. I will gladly do this now rather than at home, because I have no motivation to study or make study sets at home. It must be something to do with tv. Right now I am in the middle of watching Riverdale Season 2. If you haven't watched it before...DO. Also watch Stranger Things because that is my most favorite show in the whole world. Sad I have to wait a whole year again for season 3. In the car today on the ride to school with my dad, we started talking about how there aren't huge books series coming out anytime soon. Book making will soon come to an end becuase people just aren't interested anymore in reading. It's a shame because I love reading. However, I also love movies. Nowadays if you want to be a story teller, writing books is not the best way to do it, but being apart of Hollywood and making movies is where it is at.