• Research Kiva.org . Describe your findings, such as their goals, methods, efficiency, and reputation.
  • Research potential borrowers. Find at least two borrowers and describe their business, their reasons for wanting a microloan, their past history, etc.
  • Look at the big picture. Check out the city and country they live in, and describe what effect their location has on their need to borrow.
  • Write your findings in an essay and post it to your blog. This should be a well-written, informative, and possibly inspirational essay that shows how much you have learned about developing nations, poverty throughout the world, and ways of dealing with this difficult situation.

Kiva.org is a site that is used by about a million people who lend money to those in need. When you go onto the cite, you will find different profiles on some one or a group of people and a biography of why they want the money you might be willing to lend to them. This cite seems to work very efficiently as you can see by the many who use and trust it.
Take some time to explore this cite because you can be surprised by what and who you can find. For example, I found 2 people that I would be willing to lend to. The first is a married 48 year old women, mother of six, named Zeinab from Lebanon. Her goal to to successfully get all of her children a good education and into the work force.
Another person I have considered loaning to is a women named Lendita from Kosovo . She is asking for money to purchase sewing materials for her business to support her three children.

I chose these people because I know that they come from very poor countries and are constantly having trouble supporting their kids. As you can see, most people on this website asking for money from the U.S. do not have many lends, because Americans are often seen as wealthy people compared to the others, so they are looked over.
I really enjoyed learning about this program and highly support what it is trying to achieve. I hope this paragraph insprired you to make a lend and think about the others out there who might not have as much as you do.


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