Today in human geography class, we discussed the past, present, and future. This led us to talking about how there is a time difference in different regions throughout the world. Now what if we all went by the same time? I guess the better questions is why don't we all go by the same time already? If you think about it, it's actually really strange, but we don't think it is because we are used to it. The reason we don't go by the same time throughout the world is because it may be 12:00 in one place and be daylight but in another it could be the same time, but dark. This is the best way so everyone can experience the same times of day. We really are strange people aren't we if you think about it. Though this might not be an interesting topic to some, it certainly makes me think of our world very differently on how we adapt to our ways of life. I mean it's only been a little over 100 years since we've been living through time like this! Great lesson today, looking forward to more!


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